A thing I have always loved, ever since being small, is history. Reading about the past and how our ancestors lived is once of the many reasons I chose to pursue the craft I have. I believe it is by doing and experiencing how things where and how they where done is a true way to connect with the people of the past and our own history, it helps us define who we are and who we will become.
It is because of this another thing I enjoy is re-enactment of historical life, whilst I love many periods of history the two I make the most items for are the Migration era (its hard not to be captivated by stories of Vikings and Celts) and the 17th and 18th centuries, taming the wilderness of the Americas or the golden age of piracy, both times of freedom and the great outdoors.
Whilst I offer many products and will continue to add to them and to the eras I recreate if there is anything specific you would like to have made please do get in contact: [email protected] and we can discuss having it made.